The Mission of the ELAM Youth Department
As the youth department presidents, our vision is to see the youth in our church take a stand in society for God!
We are here to build them up to a place where they can develop their own spiritual conviction and their own relationship with God.
Our desire is that they will bear fruits of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, temperance and faith (The fruits of the Spirit).
It is important that the light of God is transparent within them.
We require that our youth aim for nothing less than total spiritual, educational, and social dimensions. We yearn for them to be richly endowed and set standards of excellence for themselves.
Value Statements
We believe that education should be exciting, fun, and challenging! With this in mind, the ELAM Youth Department is set up to help you develop and practice life skills, academic skills (to include study habits and a commitment to learning), and conduct yourselves in a professional manner.
As youth leaders we are here to educate and guide. We are committed to inspiring you to explore and widen your understanding of the Holy Bible, leadership, teamwork, and personal skills (interpersonal abilities, computer literacy, etc.). Such proficiency will work to benefit you, both in the church and in society.
We agree that leadership is a skill that can be adapted through practice, and strongly encourage the evolution of sound judgment, character, responsibility, awareness, integrity, humility, and accountability within our youth. Key leadership traits will be enhanced through practical experience and timely feedback.
ELAM is a ministry composed of many talented individuals who care deeply about what they do. We take our tasks seriously and pursue our mission with great enthusiasm. We cherish our sense of humor and our ability to laugh. We value, and appreciate diversity, creativity, and passion among our youth. All youth of various races and ethnic backgrounds are welcome as we believe multiculturalism brings about strength and a world of knowledge that in turn promotes acceptance and respect for others. As a church within the community, we solidify the belief that it is important to help others! Community involvement is an integral part of the church on a whole, and an important part of the ELAM Youth Department. Hence, our programs extend beyond the church doors. Our youth experience much recreation and leisure activities that involve health and wellness, athletics, entertainment, volunteerism, spiritual retreats, and much more.